Centum 100 Club Management System
In Development - A new fundraising system for Local Parties and party groups
Local Parties (and AOs) are always short of money; running effective winning campaigns is not cheap. This Liberal Software project brings a traditional fundraising tool into the online age.
The Centum Project
Managing online 100 clubs
Regularly raise money online
The most useful kind of donations are regular donations, because they give us regular predictable income. Once people set up a regular donation, the money usually keeps on coming for years and years.
But not every supporter is willing to simply give us money. So how can we encourage them?
Try a regular lottery! People like lotteries, as political and charity fundraisers have found. Many Local Parties raise money using a 100 Club, which is a regular monthly draw with cash prizes. Subscriptions are collected using Standing Orders, or even in cash through regular door to door visits. BUT many clubs fail or become dormant when the organiser loses interest or moves away.
Centum is an online 100 Club manager which will automate the 100 Club process for you.
● There will be a club run by HQ - all profit from your members goes to your Local Party
● You will be able to run your own club for your Local Party, Region or AO
● Subscribers sign up online
● Subscriptions are collected by Direct Debit
● Winners are informed by email, with prizes paid directly into their bank accounts
● Your Treasurer receives an email with the summary results for each draw
● Clubs configurable - draws monthly or quarterly, Rollover draw, prize amounts etc.
● Small Society Lottery (registered with Local Authority) so anyone can subscribe
● Want to set up a club run by Centum for your Local Party? See below for our guide, ‘How to design your 100 Club’.
Want to know more?
Further reading:
Centum leaflet (longer version of the Conference handout), Fundraising with Centum (PDF).
For more details, see How to design your 100 Club using Centum (PDF)
NOTE There is a prototype built in Salesforce, but there were issues that prevented it going live. We are now developing a more flexible version. Do let us know if you would like to be an early user.
See a demo (Opens in another tab or window)